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Anti Money Laundering

Protecting Your Company and Assets

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) prevention is essential to ensure that your company is not involved in illicit activities. At Cysae, we can be your partner in protecting your business and reputation.

Our Compliance Services

Cysae’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) service provides advice and solutions to comply with current regulations, implementing appropriate measures and controls to detect and prevent illicit activities.


Risk Assessment

We identify and assess the risks of money laundering in your company.

Policies and Procedures

We create robust policies and procedures to prevent money laundering.

Due diligence

We conduct thorough investigations of third parties and business partners to ensure the legality of transactions.


We train your staff in the identification and prevention of money laundering.

Internal Audits

We conduct regular internal audits to ensure ongoing compliance.

Reporting of Suspicious Transactions

We assist you in complying with the requirements for reporting suspicious transactions to the relevant authorities.

Legal Advice

We keep you updated on constantly changing regulations and help you comply with them.

Internal Investigations

In case of money laundering suspicion, we conduct internal investigations to determine the veracity and take appropriate actions.

Regulatory Compliance

Real implementation of a compliance culture with anti-money laundering regulations.

Why choose us

Professional Expertise

We have a team with specific expertise in anti-money laundering prevention.

Up-to-Date Knowledge

We are up-to-date on the latest regulations and trends in anti-money laundering prevention.

Customized Solutions

We tailor our solutions to meet the needs of your company.

Ethics and Confidentiality

We handle all matters in an utmost ethical and confidential way.

Protect Your Assets and Your Reputation

At Cysae, we ensure that your company is protected against money laundering practices. Contact us to strengthen your anti-money laundering practices.

Your integrity is our priority!

Ready to Move Forward?
Let's talk about how to do it.