LOPD (Organic Law on Data Protection) and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation, mandatory from May 25, 2018) require all activities that treat personal data to meet a series of formal requirements for this treatment is done correctly and legally.

Cysae will intrust that the regulations are complied with in the fastest way and with the highest quality. Our adaptations are made in a personalized way and we include everything necessary, from the creation of legal texts, to the drafting of security documents.

Professional solutions on GDPR adapted to any type of activity.

How do we do it?


We will analyze your data processing system and collect the necessary data


We write in a personalized way each of your documents, contracts, clauses, legal texts, etc.


We give you all the documentation, as well as all the information for the correct fulfillment.

Cysae Abogados. Te ayudamos con tu proyecto.
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